Social Work Internship

Graduate Medical Education (GME)




Train providers who will impart the highest quality healthcare and maximize the readiness of the force; to ensure continual readiness of Womack personnel; and to expand exceptional educational, research and training programs.


We look into the future and envision a world characterized by a structured approach to evaluating the competency of all residents and fellows. We structure our programs to be a high-quality, supervised, humanistic, clinical educational experience, with customized formative feedback. This is done by providing clinical learning environments characterized by excellence in clinical care, safety, and professionalism.

It is our goal and mission for our Residents and Fellows to achieve specialty specific proficiency prior to graduation. We will ensure our Residents and Fellows are prepared to become virtuous military Physicians who place the needs and well-being of patients and their families first.

Our Programs

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Programs (ACGME) Graduate Medical Education Programs Professional Allied Health Programs


About Us

About Us

Social Work Internship Program


To provide a formal training program designed to give social work interns an opportunity to build on their military social work skills. This training program is designed to enhance social work interns in becoming a Social Work Officer assigned to either a Brigade Behavioral Health Section, Area Medical Support Company or a Combat and Operational Stress Control Detachment. This training will expose the non- independently licensed active duty social worker to key areas of practice within the military social work career field. It is a great opportunity for interns to refine, reinforce, and apply concepts and skills learned during their Master of Social Work (MSW) program. The intern benefits from an experience that teaches him/her about social work, the military culture, and provides preparation for independent clinical licensure.


To provide an educational bridge between graduate social work education and independent social work practice creating versatile and well-rounded social work officers.

Program Overview

The US Army Social Work Internship Program (SWIP) is the Army’s formal training program for preparing recent Master’s in Social Work graduates for advanced clinical social work practice with Soldiers and Families. The goal of producing highly qualified military social workers capable of independent clinical practice in multiple practice areas which include the Family Advocacy Program, Social Work Leadership and Management, Outpatient Behavioral Health, Addictions Medicine, and a wide array of electives.

SWIP interns rotate through four major rotations and are provided supervision by rotational supervisors at every site. Interns will have a weekly supervision session with the SWIP Director of Training to provide continuity of supervision and ensure all requirements are being met for their state licensure. Once a week the SWIP program has didactics explore a wide variety of topics and to continue the education that they may not have learned in the MSW program. Didactics are also designed to expose interns to other topics that they may not be able to experience in their rotations.

Learn More

  • General Information
  • Program Curriculum
  • Prospective Applicants

2022 TRICARE Copayment Increase

Congress and the Department of Defense (DoD) worked together on these changes, which Congress passed into law as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018. These changes are part of a larger effort to generate discretionary savings for the DoD to fund improvements in military readiness and to modernize the TRICARE health benefit.

As of 1 January 2022, TRICARE pharmacy copayments will change for all beneficiaries, except active duty service members (ADSMs), dependent survivors of ADSMs, and medically retired service members and their dependents.

Copays for Tier 1 generic formulary drugs, Tier 2 brand-name formulary drugs, and Tier 3 non-formulary drugs are increasing at home delivery and retail points of service.The copayment increases for retail pharmacies and home delivery range from $1 to $8 depending on formulary status.

Military pharmacies remain the lowest cost pharmacy options for TRICARE beneficiaries, who have the option to get generic and brand-name drugs for $0 copayment.

New Copayments

Military Pharmacy Copayments

  • Bene­ficiaries can still ­fill their generic and brand-name prescriptions for $0 copayment at military pharmacies.
  • Non-formulary drugs may only be filled at a military pharmacy if a military provider prescribed the drug, or if the MTF-enrolled beneficiary was referred by the MTF to an outside provider.​

Food Operation Safety Course

Instructions for receiving a Basic Food Handler certification:

1. Review the Special Events Food Safety Training.
2. We need your first name, last name, and email address to provide your certificate.  Please read and accept the privacy advisory statement below.
3. Please email us if you have questions.
4. Please click here to begin the quiz. You must score 80% to pass, and your certificate is valid for one year from the date of issuance. 
5. We will grade your quiz and email a card back to you.  It may take 72 hours to receive your card.  Submissions received after 3:00 pm will not be processed until the next business day.

* This course is intended for individuals conducting ORGANIZATIONAL FOOD EVENTS or SPECIAL EVENTS on the installation that involve the preparation and/or sale of temperature controlled for safety (TCS) foods. 

* This training DOES NOT fulfill the requirement of 4 hours of initial/annual food safety training required of FOOD EMPLOYEES working in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT.

Privacy advisory:

Warning: By submitting answers to the quiz, you certify that you are the person taking the quiz and the person entitled to a certificate of completion.  The proponent of the exam can verify the origin of submissions.  Your first and last name will be printed on your certificate.  A valid email address is required to receive your certificate.  Providing this information is optional.  However, we cannot provide your food handler certificate if you do not provide the requested information.  This website does not retain this information.

Your first and last name will be kept on file at the Environmental Health Section, Fort Liberty Department of Public Health.  Your name will be kept on file so we may issue a replacement card if the original is misplaced. 

Medical Records

To request records by email from WAMC Medical Records Office, please download and complete DD Form 2870. Requests may take up to 30 days to complete.

Please include a legible email address on DD Form 2870. The records will be sent to your email address in a PDF format with password protection. Scan the signed documents for the request and email them, encrypted if possible, along with a copy of the front and back of the requestor's valid State or Federal ID (it cannot be a DOD ID Card) to

The records will be sent to the email address you include on DD Form 2870, it will be in a PDF format with password protection. A separate email with the password will be sent to you so you may access your records.

For more information on requesting your medical records, please call WAMC Correspondence at 910-907-7179.

We can process requests for copies of both inpatient and outpatient medical records. We understand how important your medical record is to you and will be happy to make a copy for your personal files. For a copy of your medical record, please hand deliver, mail, fax or email a completed DD Form 2870 (Authorization for Disclosure of Medical). Please note, we need an original signature from the requester to fully process a request.

Request A Copy of Records

Outpatient medical records are retired two years after a patient's last recorded clinic visit. Patients must show their identification card when requesting a copy of their records. The Privacy Act and HIPAA prohibit parents from picking up the medical records of their children who are over the age of 18 without written permission and an identification card.

Request for Records Transfer

Records may not be hand carried by the patient according to current laws and Department of Defense policy. If transferring, contact your servicing medical records room for instruction on how your medical records will be moved to the new location. This should be the standard when out processing your unit/installation.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This document may contain information covered under the Privacy Act, 5 USC 522(a), and/or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (PL104-191) and its various implementing regulations and must be protected in accordance with those provisions. Healthcare information is personal and sensitive and must be treated accordingly. If this correspondence contains healthcare information it is being provided to you after appropriate authorization from the patient or under circumstances that don't require patient authorization. You, the recipient, are obligated to maintain it in a safe, secure and confidential manner. Re-disclosure without additional patient consent or as permitted by law is prohibited. Unauthorized re-disclosure or failure to maintain confidentiality subjects you to application of appropriate sanction. If you have received this correspondence in error, please notify the sender at once and destroy any copies you have made.

Contact Us


Program Coordinator



Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Email Graduate Medical Education


2817 Rock Merritt Avenue
Fort Liberty, NC 28310

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!