Medical Records
To request records by email from WAMC Medical Records Office, please download and complete
DD Form 2870. Requests may take up to 30 days to complete.
Please include a legible email address on DD Form 2870. The records will be sent to your email address in a PDF format with password protection. Please note that we only accept requests with a valid Common Access Card (CAC) digital signature or a wet signature (with valid identification). Computer-generated signatures are not accepted. Scan the signed documents for the request and email them, encrypted if possible, along with a copy of the front and back of the requestor's valid State or Federal ID (it cannot be a DOD ID Card) to
The records will be sent to the email address you include on DD Form 2870, it will be in a PDF format with password protection. A separate email with the password will be sent to you so you may access your records.
For more information on requesting your medical records, please call WAMC Correspondence at 910-907-7179.
We can process requests for copies of both inpatient and outpatient medical records. We understand how important your medical record is to you and will be happy to make a copy for your personal files. For a copy of your medical record, please hand deliver, mail, fax or email a completed DD Form 2870 (Authorization for Disclosure of Medical). Please note, we need an original signature from the requester to fully process a request.
Request A Copy of Records
Outpatient medical records are retired two years after a patient's last recorded clinic visit. Patients must show their identification card when requesting a copy of their records. The Privacy Act and HIPAA prohibit parents from picking up the medical records of their children who are over the age of 18 without written permission and an identification card.
Accessing Electronic Medical Records
To view your electronic medical records, we encourage you to create a patient portal account on the Medical Health Services Genesis (MHSG) website:
Request for Records Transfer
Records may not be hand carried by the patient according to current laws and Department of Defense policy. If transferring, contact your servicing medical records room for instruction on how your medical records will be moved to the new location. This should be the standard when out processing your unit/installation.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This document may contain information covered under the Privacy Act, 5 USC 522(a), and/or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (PL104-191) and its various implementing regulations and must be protected in accordance with those provisions. Healthcare information is personal and sensitive and must be treated accordingly. If this correspondence contains healthcare information it is being provided to you after appropriate authorization from the patient or under circumstances that don't require patient authorization. You, the recipient, are obligated to maintain it in a safe, secure and confidential manner. Re-disclosure without additional patient consent or as permitted by law is prohibited. Unauthorized re-disclosure or failure to maintain confidentiality subjects you to application of appropriate sanction. If you have received this correspondence in error, please notify the sender at once and destroy any copies you have made.