Health Services

Imaging Services 

Computerized Tomography (CT, CAT Scan)

We have in place a program in which we train our Soldiers to provide the highest quality scans as well as providing education for the purpose of preparing our Soldiers to challenge the national certification examination.

We are extremely committed to serving our military and their Families and typically have the ability to offer same day care when necessary for optimal patient care.

Intervention Radiology

Provides a wide range of both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, in a truly state of the art facility. Our service is our gift to those who serve.

  • Diagnostic and therapeutic angiography and venography
  • Stent placement and peripheral vascular angioplasty
  • Dialysis graft evaluation and de-clothing
  • Long-term venous access device placement
  • Transjugular intrahepatic porto-systemic shunt (TIPS) placement
  • Image guided biopsy and drainage

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

The Womack MRI section provides a wide variety of MRI examinations. We utilize state of the art 3-Tesla and 1.5 Tesla GE scanners, and our staff has the ability to provide the highest quality imaging available anywhere in the world. One of our 1.5T scanners has a wide 70cm bore, which some imaging centers advertise as an open magnet. This allows us to accommodate patients that are claustrophobic without the use of medications. We look forward to the opportunity to provide our patients with world class imaging, and world class patient care.


Provides screenings as well as diagnostic mammograms, ultrasound/stereotactic guided breast biopsies and ultrasound/mammography guided needle localizations. We are a fully digital FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and ACR (American College of Radiology) certified service.

Nuclear Medicine Service

Provides a wide variety of diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine studies and procedures. Using state of the art equipment, the entire nuclear medicine staff is committed to providing the highest level of care to both our outpatient and inpatient beneficiaries.

Our service is staffed by two board certified nuclear medicine physicians, eight nationally certified technologists, and two administrative assistants who are all dedicated to providing the highest level of care to our active duty, dependent and retiree populations. We are intensely committed to our war fighters, and will make every effort to provide timely care to our deploying Soldiers both pre and post deployment and our wounded warriors.

Contact Us


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Services
Nuclear Medicine
Scheduling Line 1
Scheduling Line 2
910-907-7160 option 1


Womack Radiology
Diagnostic x-rays
24/7on a walk-in basis.
Radiology Front Desk

Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.


1st floor, past Pharmacy
2817 Rock Merritt Avenue
Fort Bragg, NC 28310

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