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About Us

First Year Graduate Veterinary Education

Our program has three main focus areas: clinical medicine, public health and preventive medicine, and mission oversight. The program is expected to provide Veterinary Corps Officers (VCOs) with the required knowledge and skills to offer primary, continuing, and comprehensive health care to veterinary patients, manage a Military Working Dog program, oversee an installation support plan, oversee rabies control programs, perform commercial food audits and on-base food protection, manage time and personnel, and operate effectively as VCOs.


Develop Army Leaders: disciplined, competent, compassionate, technically and tactically proficient

Complete Clinical Credentialing and improve clinical proficiency and confidence

Complete Audit Certification and develop public health and food inspections skill sets

Understand the Army Mission and how the VCO fits into that mission both in TDA and MTOE positions


We are competent and committed Army officers continuing to advance our expertise in the areas of clinical medicine, public health and leadership.

We empower and improve ourselves and each other, creating a positive environment in our personal and professional lives, allowing us to better serve our warfighters, the Army, and our nation.

We win our nation's wars by ensuring readiness and conserving the fighting force.

Clinical Medicine

The primary training for the Fort Liberty FYGVE is conducted with Fort Liberty Branch Veterinary Services and the Fort Liberty Veterinary Center (VETCEN). The VETCEN provides care for government-owned working dogs trained in detection and law enforcement, as well as privately owned animals belonging to service members, retirees, and their Families. The VETCEN is equipped with the state-of-the-art equipment and is currently supported by one board certified specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine.

Public Health and Preventive Medicine

The Fort Liberty Branch supports 120 installation support program facilities and 20 special events annually. The Public Health Activity-Fort Liberty supports over 70 commercial audits. Training for food inspection and public health is overseen by a board certified specialist in Veterinary Preventive Medicine and the Activity Warrant Officer.

Mission Oversight

Instruction in mission oversight is provided by Veterinary Corps Officer (VCOs), Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs), and Department of the Army Civilians. The training consists of rotations featuring one-on-one interaction with each of these specialists in the VETCEN and branch facilities, with opportunities to participate in external rotations with selected institutions or practices, and hands-on training in food protection.


Classroom instruction, directed reading, clinical case rounds, and guest lectures provide the essential academic environment to augment an in-depth, on-the-job learning experience.

Fort Liberty Veterinary Treatment Facility




8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


7606 Rock Merritt Avenue B
Fort Liberty, NC 28308
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