Hospital Care & Surgery
Provide the highest quality health care, maximize the medical deployability of the force, ensure the readiness of Womack personnel, and sustain exceptional education and training programs.
The Army's Medical Center of excellence . . . the choice of America's finest!
About Us
The Department of Surgery at Womack Army Medical Center consists of seven specialty clinics/services and the anesthesia/operative services. Most of our clinics are accessed by referral only from either a Primary Care Provider (PCM) or by a Provider from another specialty clinic.
We invite you to read about the services we offer the Fort Bragg community. The Department of Surgery philosophy is that we will assist anyone who seeks our help, no matter what!
The Department of Surgery trains all Womack Family Practice interns and physician assistants, as well as junior and senior surgical residents from Walter Reed and Dwight David Eisenhower Army Medical Centers. Several of our surgeons are Clinical Assistant Professors of Surgery for the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland. Coordinated care via direct referral and consultation with Walter Reed Army Medical Center is available.
General Surgery
Pre-Admission Unit
Pediatric Surgical Patients
Surgical Patients
Plastic Surgery Clinic
Vascular & Endovascular Surgery
Bariatric Surgery Clinic