Adolescent Medicine
The Adolescent Medicine service offers specialized assessment, evaluation, and care of teens and young adults, both beneficiaries and active duty. We offer support to the inpatient team to include the Pediatric Ward, Nursery and NICU. Our team is committed to delivering the best possible care to adolescents in the Fort Bragg Community. Thank you for trusting us to participate in your family and child's healthcare.
Services Provided
- Acne care, to include Isotretinoin (Accutane).
- Comprehensive care of headaches for adolescents: many have underlying lifestyle situations which affect both severity and frequency.
- Reproductive healthcare: including care of difficult or absent menstruation, contraception, testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections for both genders.
- Sports medicine: including diagnosis (exam, evaluation, imaging as necessary), and care (prevention of injury, start of a home exercise plan, follow up) for both musculoskeletal injuries as well as traumatic brain injury (TBI), or concussion.
- Mental health care: help for families with difficult transition from dependent child to independent young adult, help for families or adolescents who are unsure about engaging with therapy or psychiatric care, diagnosis and treatment with therapy & medication of mood disorders.
- Generalized care of adolescents: we have the ability to provide proactive counseling on avoidance of risky behaviors of adolescence and the ability to address areas of current concern.
- Support of the normal progress of increasing independence for both parents and teens.