Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES)
Improving Readiness remains the Army’s number one priority! The Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) process is a vital component to maintaining unit readiness by ensuring those Soldiers who are no longer medically able to perform their duties are transitioned from the Army with dignity and respect. IDES Fort Bragg is here to assist Soldiers in successfully navigating the IDES process. Primary goal of IDES is to facilitate transition of wounded, ill, or injured Service members leaving the service because of disability
IDES Overview
- Medical Evaluation Board uses the Veteran Administration exam and the entire treatment record to develop the IDES NARSUM which documents the DoD’s opinion whether medical condition(s) meet/s or fail/s Army retention standards
- The Veterans Administration Compensation & Pension Exam and Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQ) support disability rating percentage per Veterans Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities regulations
- Army Physical Evaluation Board determines fit/unfit & military compensability
- Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) rates all service-connected conditions– the FIT, UNFIT, and CLAIMED
- Army adopts DVA rating/s for only the UNFIT conditions
Services Provided
- Medical Evaluation Boards (MEB)
- Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer
- VA-Compensation and Pension Exam (VA-CPE)