Health Services

Fort Bragg Department of Public Health

Prevent. Promote. Protect.


Utilize evidence-based practices to promote health and prevent disease, injury, and disability of our community members through clinical services, medical investigation, surveillance, and educational outreach.


A comprehensive public health system that provides support through cooperative efforts, a broad focus on health promotion, disease and injury prevention, shared leadership and accountability. The Fort Bragg Department of Public Health is positioned to respond to current and future public health challenges, and protects and promotes the health and well-being of all Fort Bragg community members.

Organizational Values/Guiding Principles

  • Commitment to health improvement
  • Prevention and wellness
  • Interdisciplinary perspectives and practices
  • Consensus and partnership building
  • Innovation and data-driven solutions
  • Evidence-based performance improvement
  • High reliability organization
  • Local community connectivity

Public Health Services

Army Hearing Program
Armed Forces Wellness Center
Public Health Clinic
Environmental Health
Health Physics
Industrial Hygiene
Occupational Health
Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
DHA Immunization and Healthcare Branch

Publications & Resources

Fort Bragg Community Health Assessment

This document provides the results of the Fort Bragg Department of Public Health Community Health Status Assessment and other assessments included in the Mobilizing through Action in Planning and Partnerships framework conducted with the Fort Bragg Community, as a comprehensive community health assessment. Click here to view the Fort Bragg Community Health Assessment (2024).

Public Health Law

The Public Health Law Program provides information, training and educational resources for public health practitioners and their legal counsel.

Defense Centers for Public Health - Aberdeen

The mission of the Defense Centers for Public Health – Aberdeen (DCPH-A) is to enhance Army readiness by identifying and assessing current and emerging health threats, developing and communicating public health solutions, and assuring the quality and effectiveness of the Army's Public Health Enterprise. Fort information, training, and resources visit the DCPH-A website

Defense Health Agency – Public Health

Defense Health Agency Public Health (DHA PH) work combines and integrates the efforts of the Army, Navy, and Air Force to enable a healthy ready Force that includes our military community. It is DHA PH's goal to ensure force health protection to establish common, quality, health practices across the DOD. Learn more on the DHA PH website.

Centers for Disease Control

Find diseases and conditions; healthy living; workplace safety; environmental health; injury, violence and safety, travel notices, global health and more on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website.

Public Health Professional Student Program 

Application Requirements:

Professional students interested in completing practicum or internship requirements with Fort Liberty Department of Public Health must provide below information to apply.
  1. Full Name
  2. Email
  3. Phone Number
  4. School and school program enrolled in
  5. Military or Non-Military
  6. Resume
Applicant information must be emailed to more than 90 days prior to desired practicum start date. 

Fort Liberty DPH is now accepting applications for Summer 2025. 

Organization Licensures and Accreditations

Public Health Accreditation

Fort Bragg Department of Public Health became the world’s 2nd military installation to achieve accreditation by the standards of the Public Health Accreditation Board on March 17, 2020. For more information, please review our public health accreditation webpage.

Epidemiology and Disease Control Clinic Lab Accreditation

Epidemiology and Disease Control Clinic CLIP Registration Number: DOD2830707

Contact Us


Public Health Headquarters
Army Hearing Program
Armed Forces Wellness Center
Public Health Clinic
Environmental Health
Health Physics
Industrial Hygiene
Occupational Health
Women, Infants and Children
DHA Immunization and Healthcare Branch


Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m.  to 4:30 p.m.

Federal Holidays

*Public health service-lines will occasionally close during staff training or adverse weather events. 


Fort Bragg Department of Public Health


2539 Hamilton Street
Fort Bragg, NC 28310
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