Health Services

Psychological Health Intensive Outpatient Program

Behavioral Health Intensive Outpatient Program (BHIOP)

Who: All service members who meet the requirements and are referred by their behavioral health provider.
What: Provides an intermediate level of care as a step-up from outpatient behavioral health care. From Monday - Friday, group therapy 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. respective of federal holidays. One individual therapy approximately 60 minutes per week. Program Duration is 4 weeks. At the completion of the program, aftercare is offered for 4 weeks.
Where: Womack Health and Support System Building, Level 2

Phone: 910-907-6825, option 2

Trauma Resilience Intensive Outpatient Program (TRIOP)

Who: All service members who meet the requirements and are referred by their behavioral health provider.
What: Provides an intermediate level of care as a step-up from outpatient behavioral health services focused on combat trauma. Group therapy from Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. respective of federal holidays. Individual Therapy twice a week for approximately 45-60 minutes, program duration 4 weeks. At the completion of the program, 4 weeks of aftercare is offered. 
Where: Womack Health and Support System Building, Level 2

Phone: 910-907-6825, option 2

Addictions Medicine Intensive Outpatient Program (AMIOP)

Addiction Medicine Partial Hospitalization Program (AMPHP)

Who: All service members who meet the requirements and are referred by their Army Substance Use Disorder Clinical Care (SUDCC) or Air Force Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program (ADAPT).
What: The Womack Army Medical Center Addiction Medicine Partial Hospitalization Program (AMPHP) addresses the needs of active duty service members with alcohol/substance use concerns and mental health concerns. Individuals will gain skills to manage addictions and emotions by building healthy coping skills and resiliency while establishing healthy relationships. Individuals participate in group therapy, individual therapy, community support groups and couples therapy. The goal is not just abstinence but to address the multidimensional, disrupting aspects of the individual's life. We operate a five-week intensive outpatient program (AMIOP) five days a week, 9 am - 3 pm Mon- Thursday and 9 am -12 noon on Fridays. Entry into the AMPHP begins with enrollment in the service-specific substance use programs - Army Substance Use Disorder Clinical Care (SUDCC) or Air Force Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program (ADAPT).
Where: West Bragg Embedded Behavioral Health, Building D-3145, Merderet Street

Contact Us

BH Intensive Outpatient Program

910-907-6825, option 2

Trauma Intensive Outpatient Program

910-907-6825, option 2


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


Womack Health and Support Center (WHSC)
2817 Rock Merritt
2nd Floor, Building 4-3219
Fort Bragg, NC 28310
(All American Side)

AM Intensive Outpatient Program

910-432-1464, option 2

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


West Bragg Outpatient Behavioral Health
Building D-3145, Merderet Street
Fort Bragg, NC 28310

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