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Evaluation of Resident Performance

Evaluation of resident performance is a continuous process which is designed to be formative in nature, helping residents to recognize their strengths and identify areas for improvement.  Ongoing, formal and informal feedback is also provided by training supervisors, rotation supervisors, and the program director (PD) throughout the training year.  Formal feedback is provided to the resident by the team of training supervisors.

  • Residents develop an Individual Development Plan (IDP), a dynamic document that identifies and outlines training goals and is intended as a tool to manage their professional development throughout the course of the training year.  This document is created by the resident in partnership with the program director.
  • Monthly evaluations of resident’s progress are made at the residency training committee meeting, after any attending residents are excused.  The monthly progress report documents residents’ progress across all competencies, with specific notations regarding any areas needing improvement.  Indications of insufficient progress are supported by statements regarding the nature of the problems/issues, and plans to rectify or remediate.  Each resident has the opportunity to discuss the evaluation with the PD, any relevant evaluating supervisor, and/or rotation supervisor.  Evaluation are signed by the resident and the PD.  Progress in problem areas is discussed in subsequent residency training committee meetings.
  • A formal evaluation of each resident is conducted by the entire faculty at quarterly intervals (four times total). This evaluation, the Quarterly Progress Report (QPR), is comprehensive and provided to each resident in written format.  Final copies of the faculty's written summaries are signed by the resident, the program director, and the director of training.  They are maintained in the resident's training file. 
  • Residents are also evaluated via oral presentations to a panel of faculty members twice during the training year. For this Oral Comprehensive Evaluation (OCE), the resident is assessed on his/her ability to conceptualize and articulate a case formulation based on various data including history and test instruments.  Generally, this oral examination is designed to prepare the resident for future examination committees as it simulates the oral examination required to obtain board certification in clinical psychology. 
  • Each resident is also rated annually with an Officer Evaluation Report (OER) (DA Form 67‑9) as required by Army regulations.  Residents are briefed on the OER and OER Support Form (DA Form 67‑9‑ 1) within 30 days of their assignment.  The program director serves as the rater for all residents, and the director of training serves as the senior rater.  Appropriate adjustments are made to the rating chain in rare cases in which a trainee is senior in rank to the program director.
  • Graduation from the Clinical Psychology Residency Program (CPRP) requires satisfactory completion of all training requirements, and ratings of “3” across all competencies listed on the final Quarterly Progress Report. This document lists the behavioral elements of each of the competencies that each resident is expected to develop throughout the course of the year. Documentation of successful completion of the residency program is provided to each resident in the form of a graduation certificate.

Contact Us


Director of Training
(910) 570-3447

(910) 907-8521


Mon - Fri : 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Building 4-2817
2817 Reilly Road
Fort Bragg, NC 28310

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!