Exceptional Family Member Program - Medical
What is the EFMP?
The Exceptional Family Member Program is a program offered by each service to support families with special medical and educational needs throughout the service member’s career. Family members should enroll in EFMP when a qualifying condition is diagnosed. Each branch has its own EFMP and enrollment process.
Current Womack EFMP Operations
The Fort Bragg Medical EFMP office has relocated to Joel Clinic. Appointments for OCONUS screens are being conducted virtually, and EFMP enrollments and updates are being reviewed telephonically. If you have questions regarding a required EFMP action, please email the local EFMP staff.
For additional information on the Exceptional Family Member Program processes and requirements, please visit the U.S. Army Medical Department (AMEDD) EFMP site.
Enterprise EFMP (E-EFMP)
All EFMP enrollment and Family Member Travel Screening (FMTS) actions have moved to Enterprise EFMP (E-EFMP), a new and improved system that facilitates communication, allows for individualized guidance from the medical EFMP office, and allows service members to track all aspects of their EFMP actions.
Current and prospective EFMP customers must register in the
E-EFMP system at
https://efmp.army.mil/EnterpriseEfmp/ to initiate any EFMP request. The
E-EFMP site may be accessed via DS Logon (family members and service members) or CAC (service members and other CAC holders). Once signed in, click on “Begin New Package”.
Service members with adult dependent family members (18 years and older) will need to request a
DS Logon account at
https://myaccess.dmdc.osd.mil/ for adult family members to access
E-EFMP and sign their own documents. Using their CAC Card to log in, the service member should click on the Relationships tab, select the specified adult family member, and request a DS Logon for that family member. The family member will receive an email with PIN (typically an hour or more after request) to create their own DS Logon. If unable to create DS Logon, please contact DMDC help line at 1-800-368-3665 for further assistance.
Additionally, please ensure that the information for your adult family members is accurate on
MilConnect/DEERS and that family members have a valid email address.
An EFMP Coordinator will be in contact with our customers within 3 business days of the submitted request to provide additional instructions. If you have not received a response within that time frame, please email us at
We are here to help you, and we are striving to make the Exceptional Family Member Program better for you and your family.
Read more about Enterprise Exceptional Family Member Program. Training videos and documents are also on the
website for your convenience.
Virtual OCONUS Screens
OCONUS screens are conducted via an audio-visual platform, instead of face-to-face. Soldiers must initiate the process in the Enterprise Exceptional Family Member Program system as detailed above.
EFMP Enrollments, Updates, and Disenrollment Requests
Soldiers must initiate the process in the E-EFMP system as detailed above. If applicable, paper documents are accepted in person, via email or fax. An EFMP staff member will book a telephone appointment for an EFMP clinical provider to verify accuracy of submitted enrollment information with the patient or parent. Most of these appointments are booked within 7 – 10 days of the enrollment documents being submitted.
Clearance Actions
Out-processing for soldiers departing Fort Bragg is conducted face-to-face Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to noon and 2-4 p.m.
Soldiers clearing Fort Bragg will have been pre-cleared if separating from the Army, have no dependents, or have dependents that do not require any EFMP action.
Military One Source
Visit the
Special Needs Resources page on
Military One Source for more information about the EFMP.
Contact a Representative
To find an EFMP representative, visit the Military Installations website.
If you are overseas, contact the TRICARE Area Office Director at 1-888-777-8343 and choose the menu option for your overseas area.